Serving the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area
How it works
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed trying to manage your type 2 diabetes, you’re not alone. After receiving their diagnosis, most diabetes patients are left to navigate complex health systems and manage their condition alone. At Ryse Health, we believe a healthy life with diabetes can be simpler, and we are fully committed to your success.
We provide the doctors and the tools you need to get on top of things. You will be connected with a wide variety of type 2 diabetes specialists, from diabetes care specialists to health coaches. After setting you up with a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and our custom app, our providers will communicate with you every step of the way, providing personalized support and tips for success.
Are you ready to live the life you’ve imagined? Call or request an appointment with Ryse Health today.

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Options
3 easy steps
Book an appointment to visit us at our Arlington, Virginia office or at our new Baltimore, MD office. You’ll meet your full care team, and we’ll set up your continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and Ryse Health app while you’re here.
Over the course of your launch period, we’ll integrate seamlessly into your life via chat, email, video, or in-person if you prefer. Your team will consist of an endocrinologist, a diabetes care specialist, a health coach, and a behavioral health specialist. These experts will continually provide:
- Day-to-day support
- Tips and tricks for management
- Connection to peers on the journey with you
- Diabetes education
- Expert, personalized coaching
After your launch, we’ll continue to connect via app, phone, video, and in person. We will adjust your medications and our overall approach to your health based on what works for you.
Frequently asked questions
How does Ryse Health work with my primary care doctor?
You will keep your primary care doctor while you are a patient at Ryse Health. We will serve as your diabetes specialist, and will regularly communicate with your primary doctor about your care.
What is a continuous glucose monitor?
A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) is an FDA-approved, compact medical device that continuously monitors blood glucose levels in real-time. It will alert you when your levels get too high or too low. This empowers patients to gain insight into how food and exercise affect their glucose throughout the day and night.
What if my insurance doesn’t cover my CGM?
If a CGM is not covered by your health insurance, we’ll provide your first one free and help you find the lowest cost source for future devices.